GovInn and ESA-SSA at European Union in International Affairs 2018 (#EUIA18) – Brussels, Belgium
GovInn and ESA-SSA at European Union in International Affairs 2018 (#EUIA18) – Brussels, Belgium
GovInn and ESA-SSA at EUIA
This year, the sixth conference on the European Union in International Affairs (EUIA) took place once again at the Royal Academy of Sciences in Brussels (Belgium). Over 300 members of the academic community gathered in the centre of the European city from 16 to 18 May 2018.
As in the previous 2016 edition, GovInn was well represented with a delegation comprising research fellows John Kotsopoulos and Frank Mattheis. For the European Studies Association of Sub-Sahara Africa (ESA-SSA) the two researchers organised a panel on rethinking EU-Africa relations, which was well-attended and covered in social media. In addition to presenting their research stemming from GovInn’s research project “EU-Africa Relations in a Changing Global Order (ERGO)”, the two researchers also served as discussants in this and another panel. The full programme can be found on the conference website.
The conference was also an ideal venue to advertise the ESA-SSA network to new members and to advance collaboration plans, ranging from joint future workshops to a trilateral Memorandum of Understanding in the making between the University of Marburg(Germany), the Catholic University of East Africa (Kenya) and GovInn.
GovInn and ESA-SSA at European Union in International Affairs 2018 (#EUIA18) – Brussels, Belgium
This year, the sixth conference on the European Union in International Affairs (EUIA) took place once again at the Royal Academy of Sciences in Brussels (Belgium). Over 300 members of the academic community gathered in the centre of the European city from 16 to 18 May 2018.
As in the previous 2016 edition, GovInn was well represented with a delegation comprising research fellows John Kotsopoulos and Frank Mattheis. For the European Studies Association of Sub-Sahara Africa (ESA-SSA) the two researchers organised a panel on rethinking EU-Africa relations, which was well-attended and covered in social media. In addition to presenting their research stemming from GovInn’s research project “EU-Africa Relations in a Changing Global Order (ERGO)”, the two researchers also served as discussants in this and another panel. The full programme can be found on the conference website.
The conference was also an ideal venue to advertise the ESA-SSA network to new members and to advance collaboration plans, ranging from joint future workshops to a trilateral Memorandum of Understanding in the making between the University of Marburg(Germany), the Catholic University of East Africa (Kenya) and GovInn.
The EUIA Conference is organised every two years by the Institut d’Études Européennes at the Université Libre de Bruxelles(IEE-ULB), the Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel(IES-VUB), theUnited Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies(UNU-CRIS) and Egmont – the Royal Institute for International Relations.
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