Integrating Environmental Objective into EU Development Policy
Integrating Environmental Objective into EU Development Policy
Adapted from a paper presented by Dr Camilla Adelle and Ms Sally Nicholson at Governance Innovation Week, University of Pretoria, 1-5 June 2015.
June 2015
The EU is committed to protecting the environment and pursuing sustainable development not only within Europe but also globally. In quantitative terms, the EU’s development policy (covering more than 100 countries and providing over €50 billion a year in aid) has a huge practical potential to support environmental protection objectives and processes beyond the EU’s borders.1 Tackling environmental issues is also seen as essential for achieving development objectives, as many people in developing countries rely on healthy ecosystems for direct consumption and/or income generation. This policy brief seeks to examine the extent to which the EU integrates environmental objectives into its development activities and so harness the potential of these activities to not only pursue the EU’s development objectives but also the EU’s external environmental objectives.
Integrating Environmental Objective into EU Development Policy
Adapted from a paper presented by Dr Camilla Adelle and Ms Sally Nicholson at Governance Innovation Week, University of Pretoria, 1-5 June 2015.
June 2015
The EU is committed to protecting the environment and pursuing sustainable development not only within Europe but also globally. In quantitative terms, the EU’s development policy (covering more than 100 countries and providing over €50 billion a year in aid) has a huge practical potential to support environmental protection objectives and processes beyond the EU’s borders.1 Tackling environmental issues is also seen as essential for achieving development objectives, as many people in developing countries rely on healthy ecosystems for direct consumption and/or income generation. This policy brief seeks to examine the extent to which the EU integrates environmental objectives into its development activities and so harness the potential of these activities to not only pursue the EU’s development objectives but also the EU’s external environmental objectives.
Read more at: PB_Adelle and Nicholson
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