ESA-SSA brings together academics in Africa and beyond who are involved in researching, studying, and teaching European integration and have an interest in Africa-EU relations. The association is a bridge between the different universities, research centres and think tanks as well as practitioners active in EU affairs.
It provides a site for information about European studies and a platform for academics and practitioners active in this field within Africa to meet and exchange information and views. ESA-SSA also aims to promote and coordinate EU studies in sub-Saharan Africa and is directly involved in promoting research and establishing research networks.
The aims of ESA-SSA are:
- To encourage and facilitate research on European integration and its impacts on Africa.
- To provide a platform for information exchange and learning between practitioners, academics and students interested in EU studies with a particular focus on Africa-EU relations.
- To promote and facilitate the study and teaching of European integration and its implications for Africa.
- To develop relationships with the associations for European studies elsewhere in the world, as well as with EU Delegations in African countries.
To pursue these aims we organize seminars and workshops, coordinate and promote research projects of common interest, as well as help arrange academic exchanges and other activities. We are also developing a database of researchers and practitioners interested in EU studies in Africa.
ESA-SSA is a member of the European Community Studies Association.
Membership of ESA-SSA is free and open to academics, practitioners and postgraduate students. If you are interested in joining please fill in the membership form by clicking here.