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Book Review : Migration and regional integration in West Africa: A borderless ECOWAS.

GovInn Research Fellow Prudence Nkomo has published a book review in the journal African Insight, looking at Adebusuyi Isaac Adeniran’s book, Migration and regional integration in West Africa: A borderless ECOWAS. The review was published in the December 2018 edition of the journal.

Although the migration process examined is largely informal, the resulting integration proves that a regionally integrated ECOWAS is feasible – and that it should be people-centric and not state-centric. This is why this book significantly contributes to efforts to understand the role of informal migration in the realisation of a regionally integrated ECOWAS. Academics, policy makers and development workers will benefit greatly from the book and it will be an invaluable resource to policy makers in ECOWAS.

Prudence Nkomo
Prudence Nkomo

Prudence is currently completing her masters at the University of Pretoria, focusing on trans-frontier conservation areas, local communities, inequality and migration.

To read the full review, visit the Sabinet website.

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