Atlas – A New Emerging Rural World in Africa (2nd edition)
Atlas – A New Emerging Rural World in Africa (2nd edition)
The Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (GovInn) and Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD) are proud to announce the results of their scholarly collaboration with NEPAD on a new, revised and supplemented edition of the atlas A New Emerging Rural World – An Overview of Rural Change in Africa. The atlaswas officially launched at the second Africa Rural Development Forum, organised by NEPAD in Yaoundé from 8 to 10 September 2016. The atlas reports on the dynamics at play within the rural world in Africa and on territorial restructuring within the continent.
This second, revised and supplemented edition of the atlas A New Emerging Rural World takes stock of rural restructuring in Africa, both North and sub-Saharan. It relates data on demographics, population, urbanization and resource use with spatial and economic dynamics, both on a continental scale and through several regional examples. It is a totally original tool, and is intended to fuel the debate on the main regional and continental development issues.
It is published jointly by CIRAD and NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa’s Development, a technical body of the African Union), with financial support from the Agence française de développement (AFD), and fits in with NEPAD’s new Rural Futures Programme, which is intended to support territorial dynamics and structural change for sustainable development of the continent.
The atlas comprises 24 spreads and 77 illustrations, and is the fruit of collaboration between 53 authors, 23 from CIRAD and 20 representatives of African institutions (including six GovInn researchers). It will be supplemented and updated regularly.
The atlas was widely praised by the participants in the 2nd Africa Rural Development Forum organized by NEPAD in Yaoundé, Cameroon, from 8 to 10 September 2016, and is due to be presented shortly to the European Union, the main donors in the rural sector and African Heads of State at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa in late January 2017.
It is available on line, in English and French.
For more information on the Atlas as well as a look at the fourth infographic spread click here, or the NEPAD webpage here, to view the other corresponding spreads visit the CIRAD webpage here.
Atlas – A New Emerging Rural World in Africa (2nd edition)
The Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (GovInn) and Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD) are proud to announce the results of their scholarly collaboration with NEPAD on a new, revised and supplemented edition of the atlas A New Emerging Rural World – An Overview of Rural Change in Africa. The atlas was officially launched at the second Africa Rural Development Forum, organised by NEPAD in Yaoundé from 8 to 10 September 2016. The atlas reports on the dynamics at play within the rural world in Africa and on territorial restructuring within the continent.
This second, revised and supplemented edition of the atlas A New Emerging Rural World takes stock of rural restructuring in Africa, both North and sub-Saharan. It relates data on demographics, population, urbanization and resource use with spatial and economic dynamics, both on a continental scale and through several regional examples. It is a totally original tool, and is intended to fuel the debate on the main regional and continental development issues.
It is published jointly by CIRAD and NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa’s Development, a technical body of the African Union), with financial support from the Agence française de développement (AFD), and fits in with NEPAD’s new Rural Futures Programme, which is intended to support territorial dynamics and structural change for sustainable development of the continent.
The atlas comprises 24 spreads and 77 illustrations, and is the fruit of collaboration between 53 authors, 23 from CIRAD and 20 representatives of African institutions (including six GovInn researchers). It will be supplemented and updated regularly.
The atlas was widely praised by the participants in the 2nd Africa Rural Development Forum organized by NEPAD in Yaoundé, Cameroon, from 8 to 10 September 2016, and is due to be presented shortly to the European Union, the main donors in the rural sector and African Heads of State at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa in late January 2017.
It is available on line, in English and French.
For more information on the Atlas as well as a look at the fourth infographic spread click here, or the NEPAD webpage here, to view the other corresponding spreads visit the CIRAD webpage here.
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