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  • Book review ‘Region-building in Africa: Political and economic challenges’, by Frank Mattheis, 14.08.2017

Book review ‘Region-building in Africa: Political and economic challenges’, by Frank Mattheis, 14.08.2017

GovInn’s Senior Researcher Frank Mattheis published the book review ‘Region-building in Africa: Political and economic challenges‘, edited by Daniel H. Levine and Dawn Nagar, in the South African Journal of International Affairs.

Since its political independence, Africa has been rife with projects to achieve regional and continental integration. Every decade has seen dozens of new regional acronyms being created, from specialised agencies to all-encompassing institutions. The question as to what this plethora of organisations has achieved is thus as relevant as ever, and Levine and Nagar have attempted to address it with the edited volume Region-building in Africa: Political and economic challenges. The book is substantial and constitutes a relevant reference point for the pan-African intel ligentsia dealing with regionalism. Nineteen renowned authors provide contributions although, from the outset, it is striking that most are not based in Africa and only four are women (two of them providing chapters on non-African regions).

Read the full review here: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10220461.2017.1361862

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