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Call for papers – ‘Scenario Planning and Foresight 2018: Advancing Theory and Improving Practice’

A Joint Event of the OR Society and British Academy of Management

Scenario Planning and Foresight 2018: Advancing Theory and Improving Practice
10-11 December 2018 | Warwick Business School, Coventry

This is a call for the second conference on Scenario Planning and Foresight: Advancing Theory and Improving Practice. Building on the success of the first conference on Scenario Planning (2015), we are extending the scope of the conference to include contributions from the wider field of Foresight. This will be a two-day event with keynote addresses from distinguished academics and experienced practitioners, and discussions on the latest developments in academic research and practical applications relating to scenario analysis.

We are inviting academics and practitioners to submit abstracts of up to 500 words (including references). All submissions will be reviewed to be accepted to the conference.

Academics’ contributions could be both theoretical and empirical from any field of scenario planning or foresight. The extended abstracts should indicate: the research focus; the literature to which they are contributing; a short description of the methodology; and an indication of the research outcomes. We welcome contributions from doctoral students for whom there will be a limited number of bursaries to cover the registration fee.

Practitioners’ contributions could be both from their own organisation and/or consultancy projects. Extended abstracts should indicate the nature of the intervention and a reflection on the lessons learned.

The conference organisers have secured special issues of two journals, Futures & Foresight Science and Technological Forecasting and Social Change, for publication of selected conference presentations.

Submission deadline: 30 September 2018

Notification of acceptance: 19 October 2018

Further details of the conference (schedule, registration, accommodation, travel, etc) will appear and be updated on the conference website over the coming weeks and months:

Main contact: Scenario2018@wbs.ac.uk

Organising Committee:
Dr F. O’Brien (Frances.O-Brien@wbs.ac.uk)
Prof. M. Meadows (ac3495@coventry.ac.uk)‎
Dr E. Tapinos (e.tapinos@aston.ac.uk)
Dr N. Pyper (ab7982@coventry.ac.uk)
Prof. G. Wright (George.Wright@strath.ac.uk)

A Joint Event of the OR Society and British Academy of Management

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