The seminar will focus on the Emerging Impact of EU Agricultural Reforms and Trade Policy Initiatives on Agro-Food Sector Development in Africa. In particular, focus will be on the impact of the EU reciprocal trade agreement on Southern African countries in the context of the on-going process of EU agricultural reforms. Factors that need to be taken into account in designing and implementing smallholder development programmes if smallholder farmers are not to be left in a perilous financial position (e.g. Swazi smallholder sugar producers in Swazi who have been brought into the sector in the past ten years). There is also a need to try and ease the disproportionate burden which falls on smallholder producers through a better design of certain measures.
EU-ACP Rethinking Development Seminar ‘EU Agricultural Reforms, Trade Policy Initiatives and African Agro-Food Sector Development’, 20 June 2016
The Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (GovInn) and
Postgraduate School of Agriculture and Rural Development invite you to a seminar on
“EU Agricultural Reforms, Trade Policy Initiatives
and African Agro-Food Sector Development”
By Dr Paul Goodison
(an expert on EU-ACP trade and development relations)
Date: Monday, 20 June 2016
Time: 12:00 – 14:00
Venue: GovInn Headquarters, Old College House, University of Pretoria Main Campus
RSVP essential: by 16 June 2016
The seminar will focus on the Emerging Impact of EU Agricultural Reforms and Trade Policy Initiatives on Agro-Food Sector Development in Africa. In particular, focus will be on the impact of the EU reciprocal trade agreement on Southern African countries in the context of the on-going process of EU agricultural reforms. Factors that need to be taken into account in designing and implementing smallholder development programmes if smallholder farmers are not to be left in a perilous financial position (e.g. Swazi smallholder sugar producers in Swazi who have been brought into the sector in the past ten years). There is also a need to try and ease the disproportionate burden which falls on smallholder producers through a better design of certain measures.
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