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The EU as an International Environmental Negotiator – External Representation and Internal Coordination

Adapted from a paper presented by Professor Tom Delreux at the 2015 Governance Innovation Week, University of Pretoria, 1-5 June 2015.

June 2015

The EU is party to about 50 Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)1 and plays a key role in international negotiations on a broad range of environmental issues such as air, climate change, biodiversity and biosafety, chemicals, soil, water, sustainable development, forests or oceans. Some of these MEAs are global in nature, and negotiated under the auspices of the UN, while others are regional, and mostly negotiated under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). This policy brief opens the black box of the EU as international environmental negotiator. By focusing on how the EU functions internally when it acts externally, it discusses the legal framework of the EU’s external environmental competences and its formal status in international environmental negotiations, the way the EU is externally representation (who speaks for the EU?) and the way the internal coordination takes place (how is a EU position developed?).

Read more at: PB Delreux

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