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The Governance Innovation Week 2019: Programme

What – This week will bring critical scholars and practitioners together to debate and plan the future of governance and governance innovation in Africa and the world.
When – 25 – 27 September 2019
Where – Future Africa, University of Pretoria

NB: this list is non-exhaustive and will be updated continuously.



Emancipatory governance: Views from the ground

Everisto Benyera, Marc Wegerif, Chris Nshimbi and Lebohang Liepollo Pheko
Facilitator: Quraysha Sooliman

25 September 2019, 18:00,
RSVP: Kirsty Agnew, kirsty.agnew@up.ac.za


A case for challenging conventional wisdom on governance?

with Dr Catherine Biira (Institute For Regional
Integration and Development, Catholic University of
Eastern Africa)

26 September 2019, 18:00
RSVP: Kirsty Agnew, kirsty.agnew@up.ac.za

Workshops and Playshops:

The State of Food Governance in South Africa

25 September 2019
RSVP: Camilla Adelle, camilla.adelle@up.ac.za

More details here.

The objective of this one-day workshop will be to continue the existing policy debate on food insecurity in South Africa. It will review and discuss what is known about the policies and programmes relating to food and nutrition security at national and local levels of governance; identify the main knowledge gaps; and then debate the major issues preventing effective food security governance in the country.

Governance from Below: The Role of Non-state Actors in Africa

25 September 2019
RSVP: Kirsty Nepomuceno, kirsty.agnew@up.ac.za

More details here.

During this one-day event, which forms part of GovInn Week 2019, we will be exploring who the non-state actors in Africa are, the kind of power they hold, the interaction between non-state and state actors, and what relevance they have in terms of governance. Key debates on this day will be around the changing nature of the state, the emergence (or emerging interest) in non-state actors in governance, and the implications of these emerging actors for the future of the state and governance in Africa. Experts in the field will be sharing about emerging non-state actors in the mining industry, health sector, civil society sector and in relation to the sustainable development goals. The relationships between the state and mining companies, traditional leaders, healers, midwives and indigenous minorities will be explored. Presentations will be interspersed with an interactive participatory conference approach, where everyone in the room will get to share their views!

Pragmatic peacemaking for innovative governance and social change

with Matt Meyer

26 September 2019, 10:00 – 13:00

RSVP: Kirsty Nepomuceno, kirsty.agnew@up.ac.za

Reviewing historical examples from governmental practices in Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Eritrea and elsewhere, Meyer will lead a discussion on the connections between civil resistance, social change, and democracy in this interactive seminar.

See more details here.

The Future of Governance in Africa – A Serious Playshop

26 – 27 September 2019, Invited participants only

What futures for governance in Africa?

 This 1 and a ½ day event brings together a diversity of participants from Africa who will engage in exploring issues related to governance in Africa beyond the conventional dichotomy between democracy and autocracy. Its purpose is to sense and make sense of what the present holds using the lights shed by exploring the future. It is designed to nurture a future-oriented perspective and create a collective knowledge on what governance could look like on the continent. This event takes the form of a serious “playshop” combining causal layered analysis and the futures triangle, which will help unveiling potential pockets of the future of governance in the present.


Ecological Economics and Governance of Natural Resources

27 September 2019

See more details here.

The session will be organized around different case studies on water and wildlife management in Africa. The presenters are current CEEPA doctoral students who will bring to the  discussion their current research questions and progress. Their methodological approaches are largely inspired by the ecological economics framework. However, the GovInn week provides an opportunity to discuss such approaches with a wider and more multidisciplinary audience.

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