Dr Ward Anseeuw, a development economist and policy analyst, is a research fellow at the Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) seconded to the Post-Graduate School of Agriculture and Rural Development of the University of Pretoria. He was also the co-director of the Center for the Study of Governance Innovation. He has conducted research for the last 15 years in Southern Africa and the African continent, more particularly on the issues of agricultural and land policies, agrarian and land reforms, land conflicts and large-scale land acquisitions. He has published extensively on these issues in scientific journals and with renowned publishers, including Land, transition and compromise (with Chris Alden, Palgrave, 2009), The struggle over land in Africa – Conflicts, politics and change (with Chris Alden, HSRC Press, 2010) and South Africa’s Agrarian Reform (In French, Editions Universitaires Européennes, 2011).
Ward Anseeuw
Associate Fellow
Dr Ward Anseeuw, a development economist and policy analyst, is a research fellow at the Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) seconded to the Post-Graduate School of Agriculture and Rural Development of the University of Pretoria. He was also the co-director of the Center for the Study of Governance Innovation. He has conducted research for the last 15 years in Southern Africa and the African continent, more particularly on the issues of agricultural and land policies, agrarian and land reforms, land conflicts and large-scale land acquisitions. He has published extensively on these issues in scientific journals and with renowned publishers, including Land, transition and compromise (with Chris Alden, Palgrave, 2009), The struggle over land in Africa – Conflicts, politics and change (with Chris Alden, HSRC Press, 2010) and South Africa’s Agrarian Reform (In French, Editions Universitaires Européennes, 2011).
Research interests
For GovInn, Ward lead the axis on the Governance of the commons, natural resources and agriculture.
Landmatrix : The Land Matrix is a global and independent land monitoring initiative.
Twitter: @ward_anseeuw
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