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  • 2012-2013 – Regional international migration and its impact on the South African labour market: data, policies and livelihoods 

2012-2013 – Regional international migration and its impact on the South African labour market: data, policies and livelihoods 

2012-2013 – Regional international migration and its impact on the South African labour market: data, policies and livelihoods 

While both Europe and South Africa have had long experience of the impact of migrant labour on their respective economies and societies for some time, the inclusion of migration as a specific area of interest in the European Union (EU) – South Africa (SA) Dialogue Facility is only a fairly recent development. The past twenty years have seen a move from a highly regulated system of regional labour migration to largely unregulated flows, in the context of a restructuring of the South African economy resulting in millions of job losses and of chronic political instability in the rest of the region. Relying on a partnership between European, international, and South Africa-based state and nonstate organisations, the project will allow for the collection of original data, the design of new research instruments, and a range of policy-oriented and scholarly outputs.

Partners: African Centre for Migration and Society, University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), United Nations University Institute for Comparative Regional Integration Studies (Belgium). 

Funding: EU-SA Dialogue Facility.

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