Analysis of the perception of the EU and of the EU’s policies abroad
Analysis of the perception of the EU and of the EU’s policies abroad
The results of the study, “Analysis of the perception of the EU and of the EU’s policies abroad” have been published. The study was conducted by the PPMI (Public Policy Management Institute), NRCE (National Research Centre for Europe) and NFG-Asian Perception of the EU in partnership with TNS Global. The report aims to provide a better understanding of the perception of the EU and EU’s policies primarily in ten EU strategic partner countries. GovInn junior researcher Kirsty Agnew and GovInn director Lorenzo Fioramonti were invited to participate in the project.
In developing a baseline on the perception of the EU, the study also aims to improve the ability to assess the results of our future actions in the field of Public Diplomacy and beyond. Through its findings and recommendations, this study also aims at contributing to HRVP’s (High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission) efforts that will lead to the new EU Global Strategy.
This study is particularly relevant for staff in the delegations in the 10 strategic partner countries and EEAS (European External Action Service) desks covering those countries and for those involved in communication and public diplomacy activities in third countries
Analysis of the perception of the EU and of the EU’s policies abroad
The results of the study, “Analysis of the perception of the EU and of the EU’s policies abroad” have been published. The study was conducted by the PPMI (Public Policy Management Institute), NRCE (National Research Centre for Europe) and NFG-Asian Perception of the EU in partnership with TNS Global. The report aims to provide a better understanding of the perception of the EU and EU’s policies primarily in ten EU strategic partner countries. GovInn junior researcher Kirsty Agnew and GovInn director Lorenzo Fioramonti were invited to participate in the project.
In developing a baseline on the perception of the EU, the study also aims to improve the ability to assess the results of our future actions in the field of Public Diplomacy and beyond. Through its findings and recommendations, this study also aims at contributing to HRVP’s (High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission) efforts that will lead to the new EU Global Strategy.
This study is particularly relevant for staff in the delegations in the 10 strategic partner countries and EEAS (European External Action Service) desks covering those countries and for those involved in communication and public diplomacy activities in third countries
To access the report follow the link here
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