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  • Article ‘The EU-Africa summit is now the AU-EU summit. Why the upgrade matters’, by Frank Mattheis and John Kotsopolous, 04.12.2017

Article ‘The EU-Africa summit is now the AU-EU summit. Why the upgrade matters’, by Frank Mattheis and John Kotsopolous, 04.12.2017

GovInn’s Senior Researchers Frank Mattheis and John Kotsopoulos published the article ‘The EU-Africa summit is now the AU-EU summit. Why the upgrade matters‘ in The Conversation

African and European heads of government gathered last week in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, for their 5th summit since 2000. For the first time, the African Union (AU) rather than “Africa”, officially appears as the European Union’s partner. While plenty has been discussed about youth, migration, security and governance less is being said about the shift from an EU-Africa to an AU-EU summit. Is this just a case of semantics? After all, the AU has been the key organiser of these triennial summits since they started in 2000. Or are there larger implications? We think there are.


Read the full article here: https://theconversation.com/the-eu-africa-summit-is-now-the-au-eu-summit-why-the-upgrade-matters-88185

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