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GovInn honored to be part of regional migration policy formulation

As part of the Migration for Work Research Consortium (MiWORC), GovInn is pleased to announce the final research report on social security and social protection of migrants in South Africa and SADC as well as its contribution to the formulation of regional policy on migration in Southern Africa.

Release of research report on social security and social protection of migrants in South Africa and SADC

The MiWORC Team is pleased to announce the publication of:

The research conducted for MiWORC Report #8 took place under MiWORC’s Work Package 4 on migrant workers and access to social rights and portability of social benefits in South Africa and the region. The report was written by Bob Deacon, Marius Olivier and Reason Beremauro.

The policy update on the SADC Labour Migration Policy Framework reports on the adoption of this document in 2014 and has relevance to the recommendations made in Report #8 as well as Report #1 A region without borders? Policy frameworks for regional labour migration towards South Africa.

Printed copies of both the report and the policy update can be obtained upon request from the African Centre for Migration & Society at Wits University. Please email miworc@migration.org.za or phone 011-717-4033.

Key messages in the report:

  • Social protection to which migrants are formally entitled within South Africa is often not accessed.
  • Informal modes of mutual social protection among migrant communities are often unsupported.
  • The inability of former migrant mine workers to access social security benefits requires urgent attention.
  • Access to social protection by all cross-border movers within a region is the key to regional social integration.
  • The sections of the 2014 SADC Protocol on Employment and Labour which address social protection need implementing.

Abstract of the report

This report highlights the realities of and issues around the provision of social protection for international regional migrant workers within the Southern African Development Community. The report tackles the contested policy question of which institutions or regional authorities are responsible for meeting the social protection needs of migrants.

The importance of this work lies both in the contribution which the researchers are able to make to literature on the subject of social protection and the recommendations they make to both SADC and individual countries. The primary argument of this report is that extending access to forms of social protection to migrants is key to real regional integration. Although migrants have some constitutional and legislative protection, in many instances legal stipulations exclude and discriminate non-nationals from accessing assistance and security.

Drawing on extensive qualitative field work, the report is able to highlight the vulnerabilities of these migrants and the difficulties they encounter when trying to access social services in foreign countries. Faced with these challenges, migrants are often found to assist one another through informal and social networks in order to meet social service needs.

Finally, the report also highlights the laws and practices which hinder access to pension, death, and disability benefits for migrant workers or their families once they leave South Africa and return home.

For more information and a list of all the publications containing all research findings, please see the consortium’s website www.miworc.org.za.

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University of the Witwatersrand
P O Box 76, Wits,
Johannesburg, Gauteng 2050
South Africa


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