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We are proud to announce that ESA-SSA Executive Committee member and GovInn Associate Fellow, Dickson Ajisafe, has begun exchange studies at the University of Konstanz, Germany. Mr Ajisafe is the first non-South African student to participate in this ERASMUS + mobility programme from the University of Pretoria and in fact the first student from West Africa (Nigeria) to ever be accepted under the auspices of this programme at the University of Konstanz!

The University of Konstanz’s international exchange study mobility programme includes more than 300 top students from Africa, Asia, Middle East, Oceania, Latin America, South and North America. The. The University of Konstanz is ranked among the top universities in Germany, renown for research output and academic excellence. Since 2001, the University of Konstanz has maintained cooperation with the University of Pretoria and one main activity within this partnership is the student exchange programme. Particular thanks must also be extended to Prof Stephan Muehr, the Director of the African and European Cultural Relations MA programme at UP, for facilitating the process.

Mr. Ajisafe will return to his MA studies at the University of Pretoria in March 2017. Members of GovInn and ESA-SSA wish him well as he flies the University of Pretoria flag high in Germany!

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