Africa-EU Relations, Migration, Development and Integration (AEMDI) - Governance Innovation

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Africa-EU Relations, Migration, Development and Integration (AEMDI)

About the project

GovInn and the European Studies Association of Sub-Saharan Africa (ESA-SSA) at the University of Pretoria, the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Zululand, are pleased to announce the receipt of funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union for our Jean Monnet Project ‘Africa-EU relations, migration, development and integration’ (AEMDI).

In September 2018 the project hosted the a conference on “EU-Africa Migration Conundrum in a Changing Global Order” at the University of Pretoria.


The Africa-EU relations, migration, development and integration (AEMDI) project, aims to:

  • Bring into conversation leading academics, policy makers, political observers and practitioners from civil society to explore and examine intra-Africa migration on one hand and EU-Africa relationships vis-à-vis migration on the other hand.
  • Draw lessons and parallels from across Africa, and chiefly, the integration experience of the EU—particularly the Schengen Area—in moving from free movement of labour to EU citizenship, as enshrined in Article 20 (1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
  • Through a series of international workshops and conferences, research collaborations and publications, AEMDI will promote the Jean Monnet Programme and adopt best practices from the EU`s successes in regional integration, for Africa.
  • It will increase networking and expertise between/of academics, policy makers, professionals and relevant stakeholders in Africa and the EU
  • AEMDI promotes development and well-being in Africa through, among other things, learned experiences from observed successes in EU integration.

Project Coordinators

Chris Nshimbi, University of Pretoria;

Jussi Laine, University of Eastern Finland;

Inocent Moyo, University of Zululand

Project period

01.09.2017 – 08.01.2020

Project partners

University of Pretoria , South Africa; University of Eastern Finland, Finland; University of Zululand, South Africa

Erasmus+ Programme

The project is supported by Jean Monnet Activities within the Erasmus+ Programme

Project Number – 587767-EPP-1-2017-1-ZA-EPPJMO-PROJECT




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